Scale Your Google Ad Grant in 90 Days— Guaranteed

Don't leave $10,000/mo of FREE ad spend on the table. Let experts help you make the most of this incredible tool. 100% guaranteed.

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About Us

You're working with true experts.

As Google Certified Professionals, Community Boost has helped thousands of organizations scale their google ad grants. You'll get direct access to our team of experts, who have been doing this work for >12 years.

Nonprofits Directly Supported
Expert Team Members
Years Devoted to Supporting Nonprofits
Donation Revenue Supported
Our Process

No more guessing, follow a proven 3-step process

Plan. Build. Scale.

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Most people just jump straight in to running ads. That’s like building a house without a blueprint.

We give you a custom, detailed plan and blueprint.

So that you can waste less time building campaigns ad groups and ads that won’t work, and you can get to maximal results faster.

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The details actually matter in Google Ads. Bidding strategies, specific keywords, and more. Most people make mistakes here that cost them performance.

We walk you through exactly what buttons to click with detailed, step-by-step courses. So that you can build your campaigns the right way the first time, effortlessly.

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Scaling and optimizing is hard. At this point you’re like a ship cruising on the sea. Small tweaks make a big difference. It’s essential you make the right tweaks (and don’t reverse course).

So we you can join weekly office hours to get direct feedback from our experts who are hands-on in your account. They will tell you the exact small tweaks to make. So that you can stress less about making the wrong calls, and get better results making the right ones.


Don't take our word for it, take theirs!

Our members love this program.

“It is an investment with 100% return!”

Understanding Google Ads is challenging; Community Boost will ensure your success through multiple offerings to meet your goals. They aid our organization tremendously. And, I walked away with the knowledge to maintain and produce campaigns on my own. It is an investment with 100% return.

Kollyn Conrad
Executive Director @ Publicly Private

“This will help you get to that more advanced level!”

If you have a base understanding but want to grow, this will help you do that to get to that more advanced level of ads in general! Chloe was great! Always was honest about what she knew and when she would need to check in with another team member before answering a question.

Jessica Kroupa
Managing Director at OpenStage Theater & Company

“It is worth it!”

Do it if you can manage the cost, it is worth it in the long run! Thanks for everything!

Patricia Clason
Founder, Healing Warrior Hearts
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“The #1 Marketing Agency”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit ultrices scelerisque mi sed interdum lacus tellus in mi orc, netus nisl laoreet phasellus pellentesque

Matt Cannon
Mobile Designer at Twitter
Need more information?

Frequently Asked Quesions


What are the benefits of this program? Whats the ROI?

If you aren't currently utilizing your Google Ad Grant, you're leaving thousands of potential website visitors on the table each and every month. By getting your Google Ad Grant to work quickly, you'll be able to drive thousands of new qualified website visitors to your site each and every month. Those visitors will turn into new supporters, volunteers, advocates and more. For most members, the investment in the program will pay for itself in a couple months.


Is there a guarantee?

We offer a 100% money back guarantee. So, if our team is confident we can drive results for you, we'll offer you a 100% unconditional money back guarantee. You can try the program out and if it isn't what you expected for any reason, you can get your money back.


Is this Google Ad Grant like other grants with along application process?

No, on average it takes us 7-14 days to get you approved for the ad grant.


What am I actually going to get?

We'll help you plan, build, and scale your ad grant through 1:1 support, group office hours, step-by-step courses, and a supportive community.

Your success coach will actually build your plan for you, and do your keyword research for you. We'll walk you through specifically how to get tracking & analytics set up. And we'll hold your hand each step of the way through actually scaling & maximizing your ad grant.


What is the Google Ad Grant?

Google Ad Grants offers eligible organizations access to up to $10,000 USD per month in Search ads shown on to help them connect to people searching for their mission, raise awareness, attract donors, and recruit new volunteers.

If you've run Google Ads before, you know they can be complicated, and you know that you have to set them up properly to spend any money (because you pay per click). In the same way, your Google Ad Grant is an allocated $10,000/mo of potential spend but you can only see strong results if you set your ads up properly.

Unlike other grants, the application process is only 7-14 days, and it takes 15 minutes to fill out.

scale your ad grant

Ready to finally make the most of your Google Ad Grant? Apply Now!

Apply now to talk to one of our experts. They'll give you a step-by-step playbook that you can use to scale your ad grant!

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